Not as such. But if you look at the source file, I tend to add new items at the end; they get shuffled into place by the script that generates the HTML. No guarantees, however.
My friends say that I know at least something about practically everything; my enemies, that I know far too much about far too much. Here's the raw material for believing in both views.
This is a personal blog. What I say here doesn't represent the views of my employer, Santa Claus, or anyone else.
You can email me at Spams will be aggressively filtered.
Is there a list of only the new entries?
Not as such. But if you look at the source file, I tend to add new items at the end; they get shuffled into place by the script that generates the HTML. No guarantees, however.
Gentle Giant (the band) is essentially Emerson, Lake and Palmer played backwards.
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