
The Final, Complete, Authoritative List of Self-Describing Linguistic Expressions

Note: I did not make up any of these wonderful terms.

ablout, adjectival, adjective postpositive, adverbially, affrichation, agglutinatinglanguagetype, analogician, anapityxis, ancicipation, anology, apfrication, aphas..., apocop, aprothesis, archaisme, assimination, asssibilation, Attattic reduplication, atticipatory assimilation, attriction, awwoxiwant, breakieng, comparativer, compēsatory lengthening (Greek first compeenatory lengthening, Greek second compeesatory lengthening), compound-formation, condamination, conjunction and/or disjunction, cpoatricpulated stocp, daigraeph, debuccalihation, derivationalizationalize, devoicink, dialuctal form, diephthoungiezaitioun, digræph, diminutivito, dithsimilation, diäeresis, driss raising, duplication, díäçrîtič, e grede, ebleut, epenethesis, esdrújula, /fəˈnimɪk/, final devoicink, finix, fixsuf, foicelhess, folk at-a-mall-oh-gee/folk ate-a-mology/folk-entomology, foneme, frapped r, frixathiv, frönting, [fəˈnɛtʰɪk], gemminnattion, genitive’s, gerund, gerundive, Ghrassman's Lhaw, gloʔʔalization, græ:t vu:l shift, haplogy, haspʰiration, he-uh-sitation, infuckingfixation, irregular plurali, Krimm's Law, lenizhion, lexeme, lharyngeal, lip-wownding, lithping, loan mot, loan translation, lubualuvatium, metasethis/methatesis, metophony, mon, monophthong, morph-eme-s, mprenasalization, nansal infinx, nasal spirat law, nominalization, noun, noun phrase, NP[ADJ[labeled]ADJ N[bracketing]N]NP, nãsąlĩzątĩǫn, o grod, paragogee, perreveratory addimilation, pheresis, pentasyllabic, portition, positionpost, ppoggessive addimilation, pre-fixed, pro clitic, proparoxítona, phetic, polysyllabic, pyalatyalizyation, rean alysis, reduced grud, redup-reduplication, relick form, rerressive assimilation, rhotarism, rules of redundancy rules, schwə, sfirathization, sibboleth, spelling pronounciation, ssssound ssssymbolism, stigmartize' fohm, suffix-ed, superlativissimus, svarabhakati, sync'pe, teefoicink, t-fuckin'-mesis, the first Kermanih sount shifth, the sekonz Kermanich sountz shiftz, thetamesis, to back formate, triephthouong, ttl vwl rdctn, ümlaut, verbed, vocawization, voizing, vowol harmono, weagening, word, zr grd, ηugment.

My personal favorite is "vowol harmono".


About Last Weekend said...

Nice to meet you, Jody here, Kiwi living in Oakland. Came through (?) can't remember now. Only know Umlat (sp) and adjectival but will work my way through the list. Like your blog - will be back! My brother in law says his friends call him "topsoil knowledge' but I would say you're all the layers!

Researcher said...

hello sir
would you please explain to me what "romantic linguistics" mean?

John Cowan said...

Researcher: I suppose it's a joking reference to "Romance linguistics", meaning the study of the Romance languages, those which descend from Latin. The most prominent of these are Portuguese, Spanish, Catalan, Occitan, French, Italian, and Romanian.

Himal Mitra said...

Having just slaved over a short lipogram (on my blog) I am awestricken by both the joy and the work enacted in your post...

John Cowan said...

Thank you. I hasten to add that the only work I did here was collection and deduplication (not to be confused with reduplication); all the gems herein were invented by anonymous parties.

Himal Mitra said...

Here's another: "macaronic."

seetal said...

Can I ask where you found these terms and where Lubualuvatium comes from?

Please reply asap, thank you

John Cowan said...

It's what happens when you apply labialization to labialization in an over-the-top sort of way, much like the rest of the terms.

Hlaford said...

This is a wonderful list; I'm sorry I didn't find it before. It got me thinking and I came up with these:

nominalization (!)
Atattic reduplication

John Cowan said...

Thank you! I have added most of these (apoco is too close to the existing apocop) with a few changes to the spellings. I've also added comparativer to go with superlativissimus and verbed to go with the other parts of speech.

Unknown said...

Hmm. "the firsth Germanih sount shifth" must be wrong, since *st > *st (and not *sth), and, as the entry "Krimms law" suggests, the *g would be > *k.

The second Germanic sound shift is off, too (should probably be *sekhonz Kermanikh sounz shifz, assuming /d/ in final position being devoiced to /t/ > /ts/). :)

David Marjanović said...

assuming /d/ in final position being devoiced


Also, /ft/ was exempt just like /st/ (and /xt/).

John Cowan said...

The examples are meant to be over the top, so exceptions are not excepted.