
The Final, Complete, Authoritative List of Self-Describing Linguistic Expressions

Note: I did not make up any of these wonderful terms.

ablout, adjectival, adjective postpositive, adverbially, affrichation, agglutinatinglanguagetype, analogician, anapityxis, ancicipation, anology, apfrication, aphas..., apocop, aprothesis, archaisme, assimination, asssibilation, Attattic reduplication, atticipatory assimilation, attriction, awwoxiwant, breakieng, comparativer, compēsatory lengthening (Greek first compeenatory lengthening, Greek second compeesatory lengthening), compound-formation, condamination, conjunction and/or disjunction, cpoatricpulated stocp, daigraeph, debuccalihation, derivationalizationalize, devoicink, dialuctal form, diephthoungiezaitioun, digræph, diminutivito, dithsimilation, diäeresis, driss raising, duplication, díäçrîtič, e grede, ebleut, epenethesis, esdrújula, /fəˈnimɪk/, final devoicink, finix, fixsuf, foicelhess, folk at-a-mall-oh-gee/folk ate-a-mology/folk-entomology, foneme, frapped r, frixathiv, frönting, [fəˈnɛtʰɪk], gemminnattion, genitive’s, gerund, gerundive, Ghrassman's Lhaw, gloʔʔalization, græ:t vu:l shift, haplogy, haspʰiration, he-uh-sitation, infuckingfixation, irregular plurali, Krimm's Law, lenizhion, lexeme, lharyngeal, lip-wownding, lithping, loan mot, loan translation, lubualuvatium, metasethis/methatesis, metophony, mon, monophthong, morph-eme-s, mprenasalization, nansal infinx, nasal spirat law, nominalization, noun, noun phrase, NP[ADJ[labeled]ADJ N[bracketing]N]NP, nãsąlĩzątĩǫn, o grod, paragogee, perreveratory addimilation, pheresis, pentasyllabic, portition, positionpost, ppoggessive addimilation, pre-fixed, pro clitic, proparoxítona, phetic, polysyllabic, pyalatyalizyation, rean alysis, reduced grud, redup-reduplication, relick form, rerressive assimilation, rhotarism, rules of redundancy rules, schwə, sfirathization, sibboleth, spelling pronounciation, ssssound ssssymbolism, stigmartize' fohm, suffix-ed, superlativissimus, svarabhakati, sync'pe, teefoicink, t-fuckin'-mesis, the first Kermanih sount shifth, the sekonz Kermanich sountz shiftz, thetamesis, to back formate, triephthouong, ttl vwl rdctn, ümlaut, verbed, vocawization, voizing, vowol harmono, weagening, word, zr grd, ηugment.

My personal favorite is "vowol harmono".


Stories in related languages

The Fisherman and His Wife

Here are multiple versions of the familiar (or if isn't familiar, read it!) Grimm's fairy tale in different closely related languages. You can probably find more if you try.

More translations can be found starting at this English version (follow the links at the top). There's also a Russian translation in verse by Pushkin, no less!  Search on that page for "СКАЗКА О РЫБАКЕ И РЫБКЕ", about two-thirds of the way down.

Between all of those one ought to be able to make out what's going on. For extra thrills, try reading one of the languages you don't know.

For lagniappe, here's the four-line verse the fisherman uses to invoke the fish (the Standard German translation does not translate it):

Mandje! Mandje! Timpe Te!
Mandje! Mandje! Timpe Te!
Mannie, mannie, Timpee Tee,
Mannetje, mannetje, Timpe Te,
Flynder lille, flynder god,
Fishy, fishy, in the creek

Buttje! Buttje in de See!
Flounder, flounder, in the sea!
Fleukie, fleukie in the sea,
Botje, botje in de zee,
stig op til mig af havets flod,
My wife's been nagging at me all week

Mine Fru, de Ilsebill,
My wife, her name is Ilsebill,
Ma lief wife the Iseabail
mijn vrouwtje die heet Ilsebil,
for min hustru Isabil
She says she doesn't want a lot

Will nich so, as ick wol will.
Wants not, wants not, what I will
Winna dae as A her tell.
ze wil niet zoals ik wil.
vil meget mere end jeg vil.
But she's not happy with what we got. 


Johann Peter Hebel's classic 1809 tale "Kannitverstan" is about the moral reflections that mutual incomprehension can arouse in a young German from Württemberg who is in Amsterdam for the first time (based on a true story dating from 1757) :

Update: Links refreshed, Dutch and Russian added.
Another update: fixed formatting, added Danish